It's time for...

our 2nd shreddiversary!

From the 1st of May we will celebrate our second anniversary of CityLegends! That means a month full of extra challenges, give-aways and extra prizes. We're in for a treat, what about you?




We’ve got plenty of challenges this month! May 1st, we start with these four special challenges. THE WINNER GETS €100 CASH!

Funniest clip

Is it possible to die from laughter? Let’s find out! Send in your funniest clip.

Biggest slam

Don’t do it on purpose. But please share clips if you have any.

Sweetest spot

We’re trying something new! What’s your sweetest spot? Pin the spot on the map and tag it in your clip. Make a mini documentary about it and share in CityLegends.

Giant gap

Don’t die please!

There is more! From the 7th of May, we're hosting the MERCH FOR LIFE CHALLENGE. Upload a clip of you doing a trick/line/gap while changing your shirt. The prize? Of all current and coming merch you’ll get 1 in your size!

Those are just the extra's. Of course we're also hosting our regular Best trick challenges starting on May 14th. The object challenges will start on May 28th.


Did you upload a clip this month? Then you might have won a CityLegends Surprise Merchandise Package! During the weeks of 3-9, 10-16, 17-23, 24-31 May we'll be doing these give-aways. So make sure to keep yourself updated in CityLegends and upload your clips. Gifts will be send the beginning of June.

Give away

canvas series #4 - create our new shirt!

We’re not just lazy, we think there is a lot of talent in the world. So use your talent and create the back piece of our new T-shirt. The winner gets 5 T-shirts in sizes after their liking + €250 cash!


  • Only black and white artworks will be accepted. (black on a white t-shirt)
  • Only one submission per person
  • No AI generated art
  • Sexist, racist, hatefull, etc. won’t be accepted.
  • Send your artwork to before the 1st of July 2024.
  • CityLegends crew picks the winner and announes before 7nd of July 2024.

Some inspiration from our previous Canvas Series:

Canvas Series 1

#1 Babette Bakermans

Canvas Series 2


Canvas Series 3

#3 Carlos Blanco