I won! Now how do I get my prize?

Slide into our DM's

Send us a DM at @citylegendsofficial on Instagram. Don't forget to mention in which challenge or tournament you participated, and to send us your PayPal details!

Cash prize

Cash prizes may take up to 30 days to be wired into your PayPal account.
We are not responsible nor do we compensate fees from PayPal or third party transaction costs.

Merch prizes and shipping

We will arrange the shipping personally through DM on Instagram. Our team will send you a form with shipping information and details to fill in. In order to receive your package as quickly as possible, make sure to fill in the form correctly! Merch prizes may take longer because of postal services or third party suppliers.

Where can I download CityLegends?

You can download CityLegends here or in the App Store and Google Play Store.

How do I change my skill in CityLegends?

You can change your skill by following the next steps:

1. Go to your profile page (bottom right corner)
2. Go to "edit profile" by clicking the three dots top right
3. Scroll down and choose the skill(s) of your liking
4. Click on "confirm skill"


How can I delete a clip?

Currently you can only delete clips that are not participating in a Tournament or 1 vs 1 Battle. Clips can only be deleted after requesting a deletion. This might take some time.

- Clips in Tournaments can't be deleted
- Clips in 1 vs 1 Battles can't be deleted

How do I delete my profile?

If you’re definitely sure you want to delete your profile, let us know through the contact form. We’ll do it for you. Do this only if you’re 100% sure, your progress and legacy will be lost forever.

How do I report false information about a spot?

Use the in-app reporting function. We’ll take action ASAP.

How do I report users or clips?

Use the in-app reporting function. We’ll take action ASAP.

How do I report bugs?

Use the in-app reporting function or through our Discord. Feedback and bug reporting is most welcome!

How do I submit ideas for features for the app?

Use our discord, our contact form on the website or the in-app report function.. We love community input!

Clip Advice

No reposts

Try using a new clip every time you take part. People recognize reposts, which get significant less likes than fresh clips.

No edits

Some people love edits, some people hate them. Since not everybody is related to Steven Spielberg, edits can be messy. Therefore our advice is to edit your clips as little as possible. Cutting long run ups, sure. But try not to trigger epileptic attacks.

One line or trick

Better to spread your tricks over more clips than all in one. Why? Doing to much tricks in a clip can confuse your audience. This will result in less likes then expected.

+/- 20 sec

TLDV -> Too Long Didn’t Vote. Keep the length of your clips around 20 seconds. This will get you more votes and less time to upload.

How can I own a spot in CityLegends?

You can own a spot by uploading your content on a certain spot. If you gather the most likes on your video, you own that spot!

Battle Points

Battle Points are earned in CityLegends with "Battle Activities." 1 vs 1 Battles, Tournaments and Challenges, for example. By Earning Battle Points, you eventually become a higher Battle Rank.

In 1 vs 1 Battles, your Battle Rank determines how many Battle Points you earn relative to your opponent's Battle Rank.

Lower Battle Rank


Amount of Battle Points







Same Battle Rank


Amount of Battle Points







Higher Battle Rank


Amount of Battle Points







Battle Ranks

Battle Ranks are levels you can achieve by collecting Battle Points. Battle Points are earned by winning 1 vs. 1 Battles, participating in Tournaments or Challenges.  Your Battle Rank determines which Tournaments or Challenges you can participate in. It also influences the amount of Battle Points you get from a 1 vs 1 Battle. Battling a lower level Battle Rank than yours gets you less Battle Points then winning from somebody with a higher Battle Rank. Check 'Battle Points' to see how many Battle Points you can win or lose.

Bronze Battle Rank 1

Every player starts in Bronze Battle Rank 1. As a Bronze 1 player you can only join Bronze 1 Tournaments and Challenges.

Winning your first 1 vs 1 Battle will get you 100 Battle Points, enough to make it to Bronze 2.

Bronze Battle Rank 2

Reach Bronze Battle Rank 2 and you'll be able to join Bronze 2 activities like Bronze 2 Tournaments and Bronze 2 Challenges. Since April 1st 2023, with a few exceptions, only Bronze 2 activities contain prizes like cash and merchandise.

Battle Points in Tournaments

In addition to winning prizes, Tournaments also affect your Battle Points. For example, you get points if you pass the qualifying round, you lose points if you fail to upload one ("no show"), and the number of votes affect the total number of Battle Points you can get. Below is an overview:

Pass qualifications

+20 Battle Points

Win or lose in Battle Rounds


No show

-30 Battle Points

All tournament battles

+1 extra Battle Point per 10 votes

How do 1 vs 1 Battles work?

Battles are a chance to show off your skill and climb the rankings. You start of with creating a battle or joining one:

Create your own:
- Click on the plus sign on the bottom of your screen.
- Select “create”.
- Select “create battle”.
- Upload a clip and wait for an opponent to join. Opponents get 7 days to join your battle. If after 7 days nobody joined, the battle will be erased.

Join an existing battle:
- Go to the battle tab.
- Pick a battle with an empty slot. Make sure you join a 1 vs 1 Battle that matches your main skill.
- Upload a clip of you doing a trick. Check 'General FAQ > Clip Advice' if you're not sure what to upload, or if your upload fails.

After the battle starts:
- You get 3 days to collect votes.
- Clip with the most likes wins the battle.
- Same amount of votes? Then the player with the most dedication points wins the battle. Same amount of dedication points? Then the player with the oldest account wins. (This never happened before.)

How long does a battle last?

After creating a battle, it's joinable for 7 days. If nobody joins, the battle will be automatically deleted after 7 days.

If an opponent joins, the battle will last for 3 days.

Tournament battle vs regular battle?

A tournament consists of several rounds with user battles. These battles can be voted on to progress in the tournament and win prizes. Tournament battles might also have judge voting enabled. A regular battle is a single battle that is not linked to anything.

What happens if there is a tie in a battle?

Both participants get the same number of battle points.

What about battle ranks?

Winning battles earns you battle points. The more battle points you get, the higher your battle rank becomes. In the future you will be automatically matched with someone who has the same battlerank as you.

How do i share my battle with my friends?

Click the share button in the top right of your battle and share it with your friends!

Clip Advice

No reposts

Try using a new clip every time you take part. People recognize reposts, which get significant less likes than fresh clips.

No edits

Some people love edits, some people hate them. Since not everybody is related to Steven Spielberg, edits can be messy. Therefore our advice is to edit your clips as little as possible. Cutting long run ups, sure. But try not to trigger epileptic attacks.

One line or trick

Better to spread your tricks over more clips than all in one. Why? Doing to much tricks in a clip can confuse your audience. This will result in less likes then expected.

+/- 20 sec

TLDV -> Too Long Didn’t Vote. Keep the length of your clips around 20 seconds. This will get you more votes and less time to upload.

How does a tournament work?

You have 7 days to upload a clip in the qualification round. Clips with most likes fill the knock-out phase rounds.Knockouts last 3 or 4 rounds depending on the amount of people in the tournament. You have 3 days to upload a clip and 4 days to vote.Not uploading a clip results in a loss of 30 battlepoints

How does voting work after the qualification rounds?

During the knock-out phase the community decides the winner and can vote for their favourite clip.

What if there's a jury?

Depending on the tournament there might be a fixed set of judges. Two judges can cast their vote on each knock-out battle and together they amount for 3/4rd of the total votes.For instance: Even tho the community voted for clip nr 1, if the two judges votes on clip nr 2, clip nr 2 wins.

How do I claim my prize?

Did you win dedication-, or battlepoints? These will be added to your account shortly.

Did you win money or merch? Please fill in this form:

Disclaimer:You need a valid bank number for us to transfer the prize. We'll send you one message and one reminder. Haven't claimed your prize after 3 months? The prize will then be added to our Street Fund to fund community projects.

What if somebody is cheating or does something suspicious?

We take this very seriously. Use our contact form on the website or us the in-app reporting function. We will take immediate action.

What if I don't upload?

Not uploading results in a loss of 30 battle points. It'll also be shown on the battle card in the tournament so you'll be shunned by the community. Shame on you! ;)

Clip Advice

No reposts

Try using a new clip every time you take part. People recognize reposts, which get significant less likes than fresh clips.

No edits

Some people love edits, some people hate them. Since not everybody is related to Steven Spielberg, edits can be messy. Therefore our advice is to edit your clips as little as possible. Cutting long run ups, sure. But try not to trigger epileptic attacks.

One line or trick

Better to spread your tricks over more clips than all in one. Why? Doing to much tricks in a clip can confuse your audience. This will result in less likes then expected.

+/- 20 sec

TLDV -> Too Long Didn’t Vote. Keep the length of your clips around 20 seconds. This will get you more votes and less time to upload.

What are challenges?

Cash prize

Challenges are monthly events that require you to do a certrain trick or do a trick on a certrain object.

Where can i find the challenges in CityLegends?

You can find them in the battle tab.

How long does a challenge run?

Challenges generally run 30 days. You can see duration specifics per challenge on the info tab.

How can I win a challenge?

Gather the most likes on your clip and you'll win the challenge!

How do I claim my prize?

Did you win dedication-, or battlepoints? These will be added to your account shortly.

Did you win money or merch? Please fill in this form:

Disclaimer:You need a valid bank number for us to transfer the prize. We'll send you one message and one reminder. Haven't claimed your prize after 3 months? The prize will then be added to our Street Fund to fund community projects.

Clip Advice

No reposts

Try using a new clip every time you take part. People recognize reposts, which get significant less likes than fresh clips.

No edits

Some people love edits, some people hate them. Since not everybody is related to Steven Spielberg, edits can be messy. Therefore our advice is to edit your clips as little as possible. Cutting long run ups, sure. But try not to trigger epileptic attacks.

One line or trick

Better to spread your tricks over more clips than all in one. Why? Doing to much tricks in a clip can confuse your audience. This will result in less likes then expected.

+/- 20 sec

TLDV -> Too Long Didn’t Vote. Keep the length of your clips around 20 seconds. This will get you more votes and less time to upload.

What is an ambassador?

An ambassador is a brand loyal user that has heart for their sport. They receive stickers, merch and are regularly promoted on our Instagram. In turn they promote us, give us feedback, new idea's and help us become the biggest street community.

How do I become an ambassador?

Be active in our app, have a heart for your sport and make sure to let us know. We'll assess every individual for amabassadorship potential.


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