6 Must-Visit parkour spots in Amsterdam
Lilly Pennings

The urban environment in Amsterdam creates a great parkour playground for freerunners. Amsterdam also loves to include other urban sports. It is a real urban hub! But that’s not what this blog is about, let's explore Amsterdam’s top 5 must-visit parkour spots.
1. Amstel spot: unbeatable parkour spot
Parkour spots like these are just where you live for as a freerunner. The parkour spot has insane types of terrain and obstacles varying from stairs to huge gaps. You can go absolutely crazy at this parkour spot and build your skill. This parkour spot is well-known amongst freerunners and is often used for parkour lessons as well. What makes this spot so cool is that you’re in the middle of high buildings giving the spot an urban feel. It’s great that parkour spots like these exist inAmsterdam.

2. Sloterpark freerun park: letters form a parkour spot
From the old letters of the famous “I am Amsterdam” letters, a new parkour spot emerged. The spot is the largest outdoor parkour spot of Amsterdam and is famous in the urban sports community. Tourists also love this spot because of the famous letters, but they won’t bother you while freerunning. They put the letters to good use by creating this park, good parkour spots are hard to find sometimes, and this is a great solution of including something one of a kind in a parkour spot.
3. NDSM: urban melting spot
This industrial terrain near a haven is not what you typically expect when you think of a good parkour spot. The place is even better, it isn’t a parkour park, or a place designed for parkour, but that is what makes it fun. Urban culture is really celebrated at this spot and expressed in hundreds of ways. It is owned by artists and used for expositions and urban events. The spot is great to chill at, but there are a bunch of old industrial obstacles which you can trick right over. Urban culture, industrial obstacles and the freedom at this place makes it a must-visit parkour spot.
4. JumpSquare Amsterdam: Jump around!
This parkour spot is designed for people who love to jump. With trampolines everywhere, this parkour spot is a must if you’re a freerunner who loves experimenting with jumps. If you’ve got kids or you like kids, then great. Because kids also love jumping and doing so, they also love this parkour spot. So be careful you don’t knock a kid out when doing parkour at this spot. The amount of trampolines and other obstacles make this parkour spot a must-visit!

5. Johnny spot Amsterdam: a famous punk parkour spot
This legendary spot is extremely well known in the Amsterdam parkour community. The parkour spot really doesn’t have many special obstacles of some sort but still this spot is one of the most popular of in CityLegends. All because this parkour spot has a great vibe while freerunning. The spot is in the middle of Amsterdam next to a great mural of a punk kid Johnny Rotten (aka Johnny Lindon, member of the band Sex Pistols). The mural gives an extra urban feel which is unbeatable for some freerunners.
6. Urban sports park ‘de oase’
This spot is awesome in a different way than the previous, ‘de oase’ is an all-in-one package deal. The parkour spot is insanely big but there’s room for all kinds of urban sports. There’s room for skate, BMX, aggressive inline, calisthenics, scooter and many more. This spot really is an urban sports gathering place which is dope! Parkour has its own section at this diverse spot but really there’s room everywhere for parkour and connecting with the community. This definitely deserves a place in the 6 must-visit parkour spots of Amsterdam.
We want more parkour spots!
Amsterdam sure has some damn good parkour spots. After you’ve been at these must-visit spots, and you still want more; go to CityLegends. The spot map has loads of parkour spots worldwide! Including small ones, you won’t easily find. CityLegends is the place to connect with the urban sports community. You can explore, create, and own spots. Other options are battling with clips of your skill and winning money! What are you waiting for?